How much should 2 month old drink
Recently I saw that 2 month olds need 660mls minimum a day? Some 825mls. I’m confused. My LO is 5.5kg now.. based on formula 150xweight is the amount of milk he should get? Or is it 120xweight
Recently I saw that 2 month olds need 660mls minimum a day? Some 825mls. I’m confused. My LO is 5.5kg now.. based on formula 150xweight is the amount of milk he should get? Or is it 120xweight
Every baby’s intake is different. As long as LO has enough wet diapers, happy and active, you can try increasing 5 ~ 10ml at a time or just stick to current. Every other numbers are just based on average, don’t be too bothered by it. 😊 X 150ml.