
Plan to pump at works twice a day Colleague here mostly are single ladies, not sure their supportivity, cos i will be away from desk when pump. Nursing room back n return 20 mins walk Another one is baby changing room nearer 3mins walk from my office, but inside have no chair and table, only a foldable diaper changing table. Thinking just sit on the floor and pump if dun wan walk so far to nursing room I have a 3 years old s9+ pump I will be pumping a lot during my maternity, now thinking whether to invest in spectra s1, review say is gentle and effective, price is cheap for Korea set. Hesitate whether to buy a new pump or not. Maybe only useful for first 3 months. Any advice?

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If you are bringing to work i thi m s1 will be rather bulky.. spectra now has a handsfree one if i'm not wrong

5y trước

I see,, maybe you can rent first and see how. I saw before got people renting but i forgot who 🤔