Parents pls advice me. My 2 yr old wakes up every night around 12-1, hysterically laughing and she even says bye bye and stuff. I initially thought she was dreaming so I would pat her back, but she keeps her eyes open while she is smiling and laughing. What is actually happening?

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I am not sure you all do believe or not. My son woke up in the middle of night for about 2 weeks, crying and pointing to the same area every night. Actually I think he did see something that I can't see. What I did was... I will go to that area that he pointed and act like chasing it away. Then my son will stop crying then. I believe the exixtence of spirit that related to past lifes... so he may see a spirit that maybe his someone close past life. It sounds absurb, but this is really what happenned to my son.

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