Weight issues

Hi parents, I’m at week 11 going 12. Just recovered from covid. I put on about 1 - 1.5kg during week 8 to 9 but subsequently I realised my food intake cut by half since week 10. I dont feel hungry. When i eat a full meal, I can only finish half and feel so full. I dont have nausea or any other symptoms. Now I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and may even drop lower than that. Is this normal? My next scan is in 5 days. Just worried..

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Usually after covid period or after you are sick, most people are still in the stage of recovering mode and trying to gain those big appetite that they have not been getting since they fall sick. You can try eat in small meals instead of big meals/big portion. Eat more healthy and nutritious food as well as taking your pre natal vitamins & materna milk. This way even if you dont eat much like before, you are still gaining weight and baby receiving enough nutrients. Hope this tips help. I dont gain much too during pregnancy. I dont bother much as long as I am within the BMI and baby is doing good with acceptable weight range too.

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