any parents give scotts Emulsion Orange to 3 years and above.. wats your talk abt it?? My mom use to give this brand since i myself was a child. My mom give me the white which really taste discusting. now i hv a toddler who is 3 years old, i want to give too. I tried giving e white, lo doesnt like it. So i hv deviced to switch to orange flavors.

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My 3 year old takes 2 portion of fruits daily since she started solids. Superfruits like avocados, strawberries, blue berries, golden kiwis, dragon fruits help to build immunity. We just started probiotic and the original cod liver oil in the last 2 months. She seldom fall sick since birth (can count on 1 hand) and recovers in less than a week if she does. You can start Scott’s emulsion from one year old. Give it during meals or after meals. Ps - I constantly feel like being a mom is like a blast from the past! It’s super cool to be able to share things from my childhood with my kid!

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I gave my children Scott’s Emulsion till they’re almost 12 years old. Personally I think it’s beneficial as my children hardly fall sick.