Other than the obvious plus point of learning to code, what other soft skills do kids learn by knowing how to code?

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Through coding a child learns the concepts of computational thinking and how they can be applied to problem solving. Ideas like automation, abstraction, data visualisation etc. We also try to combine computational thinking with the human-centered approach of design thinking in the way the deliver our programmes, so students learn to empathise with users.

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Teaching your children coding at an early age can give them several advantages later on in the future. This includes positive traits like quick-thinking, creativity, and problem solving. These traits can be useful as they go through different levels of education and in their future jobs when faced with stressful situations.

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If you're interested in getting your child started on digital literacy, Google x Saturday Kids x 21C Girls is running a free full day coding camp at Google's offices this Saturday 27/8 (boys can join too!). https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/google-x-saturday-kids-x-21c-coding-camp-aug-27-2016-tickets-27256620285

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