Is it ok to let my 18 month old watch 2-3 minute cartoons a few times a week? Or is no digital viewing advised till they're 2?

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I agree with Dannah Cody.. since I brought my babies home (I have 4 and one on the way) I always had something on tv... as long as you sit down and make time for educational videos or playtime or something you should be fine.. my personal opinion.

In my opinion if you feel its ok than its ok.. I let mine when they were that age watch cartoons there are alot of good learning ones.. When they want to play they will play if the want to watch so i could get some cleaning done, why not? Lol

some cartoon is ok . babe channel or okto . i happen to know 1 of my friend do give ipad to his child. till his child tired of ipad. which is very interesting . but think most kids once start having those smart ph will glue to it .

I would love to expose my kids to different things/programmes so as to let them experience for themselves. Of course, we as parents have to keep a lookout and know which way is better. So I'll let them watch in moderation.

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i gave my 2 kids ipads for educational apps. my first is 7 yo now , 2nd is coming to 2. i find myself using ipad and watching TV too . in the past my mum allows me to do all this . so i didnt bother to retrict them .

Ok to let watch 2-3 mins a day with good lighting. But best to let them play instead of watching as TV iPad and computer shortens their attention span and makes them more easily cranky.

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It's hard to avoid digital viewing when we adults are watching too. I believe in moderation. besides watching a little cartoon is ok as my child did learn some stuffs from watching

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if is not on long hours, I do let my 9 month old watch too. it help her with some simple words, she can learn new words too,choose wisely what show to let them watch

Digital viewing makes kids happy and content, starting music at an early age is no harm for babies, we should fix a certain time for them Everyday, it's harmless!