Fully formula fed newborn hasn't pooped in 48 hours
My newborn (5 Weeks) old hasn't pooped in 48 hours, she is feeding well but I can see she is trying to poop but unable to, she farts a lot but not pooping. Is this normal? How long can newborn go without pooping. Should I see a doctor? TIA for your help!

It is not uncommon for formula-fed newborns to have longer periods between bowel movements compared to breastfed babies. Typically, a formula-fed newborn can go a few days without pooping, as long as they are feeding well, passing gas, and are not showing signs of discomfort or distress. In your case, if your 5-week-old baby hasn't pooped in 48 hours but is feeding well and passing gas, it may be normal. However, if your baby seems uncomfortable, is crying excessively, has a swollen abdomen, or shows any other signs of distress, it's advisable to consult with your pediatrician. They can provide proper guidance and recommendations based on your baby's individual health and needs. To help facilitate bowel movements for your baby, you can try gently massaging their tummy, doing bicycle leg movements, ensuring they are well-hydrated, and considering speaking with your healthcare provider about any concerns you may have. Remember, each baby is different, so it's always best to seek professional medical advice if you have any doubts or concerns about your baby's health and well-being. https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreNormal. My NB poops every 3 days. He starts pooping everyday when he reach 6mths after starting solids. Im worried at first too but PD said as long as Baby poop is not hard or dry or baby is not straining. Its normal.
PD’s receptionist told me the max for not pooping is 2 weeks
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