My NB has jaundice and i have heard breastfeeding causes the jaundice level to rise is it true? Any mummy can advice how to reduce the jaundice level?

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I replace some of the feeds by fm till jaundice dropped. as I do not wish to see her going through all the pokes on her feet. it works. dropped faster than before.

Hi. When my newborn had jaundice, my husband (who is a doctor) advised me to continue feeding my NB breastmilk as frequent as possible :)

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Polyclinic gave me multi vit & recommended to give FM X1. When the Jaundice come down, i switch back to full BM

i stop bf when my baby have's only last for 6 days my baby jaundice

lay your baby in the sun were it shines into the house it really helps

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Cut down on ginger intake