New Daddy's Woes!

My wife just gave birth one month ago and I feel like I don't have a life anymore! I want my guys' night out and soccer time with my buddies. Everything is about the baby now. Is this it for me? How do I tell my wife I need some me time without upsetting her?

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Just be prepared that one day she will go for her “girls night out” where you have to care for your baby the whole day or whole night. Can you do it? If you’re up for it, then Talk to her about wanting a day out and let her know that you are willing to tc of your baby for one day and give her a break whenever she wants it too. She’s probably feeling just as suffocated as you. If you’re not up for taking care of your baby alone, then you should know how she feels about you going for a “guy’s night out” only one month after she deliver. Don’t be selfish. Having a baby is tough work. You should have thought of it before you two plan to have the baby. And don’t give excuses like she needs to breastfeed & all so it’s not possible for her to leave u with the baby. She can always pump & leave you with a bottle, or feed formula.

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