My baby is obsessed with all the programs the cable channel in Metro Manila, BabyTv, offers. What's the safest number of hours (or minutes) that I can let her watch?

In this day and age where gadgets are always handy to the point that some parents use it to keep the child quiet, I suggest that you should not let your child watch television or engage in using tablets at all. However, since your little one already has been introduced to this, what you can do to diminish his/her interest is to spend more time playing with him/her. Playing provides a lot of good benefits for little ones because it boosts their mental, social and motor skills. You can introduce yo him/her outdoor play or give her something to focus on such as papers and colors (make sure that materials are bug enough to prevent choking and that materials age-appropriate and toxic-free).
Đọc thêmHealthy Children run by American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that kids under 2 years of age shouldn't watch TV at all. Yet, as parents, that's really challenging given all the other chores and jobs that we have to accomplish. If TV can't be avoided at all cost, better limit screentime for up until two hours to minimize the negative effects of TV exposure such as language development and delay, as well as short term memory loss.
Đọc thêmScreen time should be limited to atleast an hour a day. Most especially if he/she can't still talk fluently. It's passive and there's no interaction at all. It can also cause ADHD among other problems. I suggest that you introduce play dough making, fine motor learning skills and outdoor play. It's more important in a child's learning process
Đọc thêmScreen time should be kept at about an hour or two per day, and in scattered intervals. I believe it's the prolonged exposure that is harmful. There are a lot of benefits kids can get from technology :) I agree with Rosielyn. Being adept at using technology aids their mental, social, and motor skills, too.
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