Susu Badan

Mummy's ade suggestion kalau susu badan mule tak banyk dah? ? Kalau lepas 2 3 ari minum milk booster susu akan ada balik tak

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Sis... Minumla air masak banyak2. Itu saja utk increase your milk supply. Kerap susukan anak. Beautiful thing bout breastfeed, it supplies based on demand. So pagi kerap sis nursing ur baby, your milk supply will produce more. When you breastfeed, it will send a signal to your brain and it will produce according to supply. Food wise u makan la sawi, bayam, broccoli. Tp broccoli tgk baby, some can be gassy. Kalau rajin buat susu and blend with kurma. Sis bole google food yg Baik utk help boost your milk supply. And most importantly- your mind and your feeling should be stress free. Rileks. Igt saat indah saja. Jgn stress It’s combination of your diet and your state of mind. All the best

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Btl...from my experience...pon sama mcm apa yg sis ni ni konsep dia demand vs supply...

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Konsep susu ni demand n supply...susu akn bkurg kalau demand makin bkurg...jd utk bykkan susu...kerapkan mnyusu bby...tambh2 lg tgh mlm...kalau puan bkerja kena jaga jadual pump..kalo xjaga mmg akn efek penghasilan susu

Puan boleh cuba beli susu Airiz kurma ni.. insyaallah boleh membantu memperbanyakkan air susu puan..ini testimoni penyusuan ank dari customer sis yang dulu x banyk..sekrg dah meriah semula susunya.

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Sis amalkan minum air suam, makan buah apple merah, air horliks, air rebusan mata kucing herba cina. Inshallah susu kembali meriah.

Sy minum moeder, dan juga amalkan femilac milk booster... Alhamdulillah.. Ank masih menyusu sampai skrg 2tahun 9bln

Sis boleh join grup Happy Breastfeeding Malaysia di fb. Banyak info pasal breastfeeding dalam grup tu 😄👍

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Milkbooster + air + anmum lacta + sup + n makan je apa nk mkn.. Jgn biarkan diri dehydrated + lapar....
