38w4d +ve Covid

Hi mummies, just nak share experience. First time pregnant & +ve covid on 38w4d. First day rasa sakit tekak tanpa batuk, selsema, sakit kepala. Alhamdulillah ada kesedaran nak ke klinik check sebab fikir nak sihat je since kita pun menunggu hari je. After drip air 2 botol di klinik, pulse rate makin tinggi & tak normal, terus refer emergency hosp & tambah 2 lagi drip botol but still pulse rate & heart rate tak normal + oksigen agak drop. Lastly Dr decide buat RTK and the result is positive covid. Warded di wad bersalin since kita dah sarat & masuk hari kedua Alhamdulillah everything goes well and dah stable seperti biasa, hari ketiga dah boleh balikk yeayy. So untuk ibu ibu semua, please jaga kesihatan okay. Immune preg woman sangatlah rendah & able to get infected anytime. Stay safe okay!! Lots of lovee with virtual hug ❤️ Mind to sharing my journey: (first day) Ambil darah (for blood test) = 4x Urine test = 1x Temperature (°c) = 36.1 up to 37.3 up to 38.1 Drip water = 7 bottle Pulse rate (normal: 60-100/min) = 120-130/min

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