Hi mummies! My LO has ear wax stuck in her ear we have went to visit the GO and was prescribe with a ear drop bt till date the ear wax is still in, is it something to worry about and will the ear wax subside with times with the eardrops given?

A doctor once told me that ears have their own special way of self-cleansing when it comes to ear wax. The drops usually help things move along but it is not instant but it will gradually subside and disappear. Unless baby is showing signs of discomfort and pain, there is nothing really to worry about. http://www.parents.com/baby/health/ear-infection/earwax-buildup/
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Give it time to work. If you are really concerned, you might want to visit an EENT, they can remove it there. But I would not be too worried if it does not cause any pain on your los part.
Use warm damp cloth to clean her ears regularly. Check with PD if I'm concern.