Little Weight Gain
Hi Mummies, I’m on week 24 and I have only gained about 3kg, doc says baby is growing fine but am slightly concerned baby might come out too small. Wondering if anyone also gaining slowly?

Hi I’ve have a similar experience to you my weight was not gaining and doctor said that my baby weight is the 3th percentile and i found out i had gestational diabetes and will need to take aspirin becoz i may/may not have preclampsia but have to take aspirin to avoid it and hopefully i do not have preclampsia but my baby boy is healthy with all healthy organs
Read morehey same goes for me! before pregnancy i was abt 98kg, now on my 24th week i am 102kg. Dr says my baby weight is within the gestational period. don't be worried!
Hi-5! Thank you! 😊
Actually don’t worry too much about mama’s weight as long as baby is growing well. I gained 18kg and my baby only weighs 2.6kg at birth 🙃.
Ooo that’s interesting, thanks for sharing and the reassurance! 😊
Dun worry. I only gain 5 kg and my baby is 97% percentile. Lol...
Wow, that’s pretty amazing hahaha, thank you!