Going back to work. Advise please

Hi mummies, I’ll be going to work in April (Baby will be 4 months old by then). She has always been on full BM, my supply is just nice but recently introduced FM so she’s mixed feeding now. I still wish to feed my baby some BM but problem is there is nowhere for me to pump at work (F&B sector, small shop space and location not near mall so no nursing rooms nearby). I’m required to be in shop from 10am-9pm. Current pump schedule is every 4 hours, 5x a day plus latching for 1 night feed. Is it possible for me to drop my day pump altogether and only pump/latch after work hours? Any advise is welcome please. Husband asks me to stop giving BM but I feel sad cos I do have the supply, so I don’t wish to stop 😢 Ps: not possible to create a freezer stash cos of space constraints. #pleasehelp

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It will lead to engorgement if u just drop all the pump totally. U will need to drop slowly. Otherwise you can look for wearable pump.

2y trước

Thank you! I’ll try to drop slowly. Bought a wearable pump recently too

Hmm I reduce the pump frequency week by week. Hope this helps

2y trước

Thank you! I’ll try :)