Wean off direct latchin

Hi mummies.. I have a problem here. Current Bb goin 13m. All the while I’ve been direct latching. So now I wanna wean her off my breast but havin alot of difficulties. I tried to give Bb fm b4 her napping time, using milk bttl, straw bttl, sipper cup but she’s not drinking. The most onli drink 20ml n she come looking for mi to latch. Usually I only try this in the morning. Does anyone encounter this problem? How/wat should I do ? Feeling stressed as I need to wrk

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Hi there! I understand how challenging it can be to wean your baby off direct latching, especially when they are used to it. It's great that you've already tried offering formula milk through different methods, but it seems like your baby is still preferring to nurse. One thing you can try is gradually reducing the frequency of direct latching sessions. Start by replacing one nursing session with a bottle or sippy cup feeding and slowly increase the number of feedings you replace over time. This gentle transition can help your baby adjust more easily. Another helpful tip is to offer distractions or comfort in other ways when your baby seeks to nurse. Engage them in playtime, offer cuddles, or introduce a new comforting routine to help ease the transition away from breastfeeding. It's important to stay patient and consistent during this process. Remember that every baby is different, so it may take some time for your baby to adjust to the change. Don't hesitate to seek support from other moms or a lactation consultant for additional guidance and reassurance. You're doing a great job juggling work and motherhood, and I believe you will find a solution that works best for both you and your baby. Hang in there, and remember to take care of yourself during this transition period. You've got this! 🌸 https://invl.io/cll6she

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Try pigeon bottles! The wide neck ones. My sisters who have multiple babies said it works!