Hi mummies, i feel so stress. I been trying to give my LO formula milk. He does not want to drink. Breastmilk he can drink finish 140ml but formula only 30ml. He is only 6 months old. I feel that i do not have much milk also. Any advice?

Why would you feel you do not have much milk? I used to express my milk daily for my LO for two months. The supply increases over the weeks as I pump regularly on a 3 hour interval everyday, that includes pumping in the middle of the night as well. Sometimes the milk flow is slow when I didn't drink enough water, or having blocked milk ducts. I gave him formula at night for his last feed. On day 61, he rejects bottle feeding. You might wanna try taking lecithin or buy tong cao from TCM to clear your flow. Try to latch baby also to stimulate milk production . it worked for me, now I just DL my baby and no longer give him formula. He is 10 weeks old today.
Read moreDo not worry about babies intake. I checked with the PD before. Babies will let us know when it aint enough. Signs such as often hunger cries or even distruped sleep in the night. However, you will know best. Meanwhile if really need a SOS solution, i would mix the BM with a little formula. Not sure if others would agree, this is for me. If im really desperate. During desperate moments, we just need a solution at times more then anything else. My 2 cents :)
Read moreJiayou mummy! I suggest u do a bit of research on ur perceived low supply- u will realise that a lot of mummies feel that they hav low supply when they do not!! I feel breastfeeding really takes a lot of determination and sacrifice. It is so much easier to give up n give baby formula. But press on!! U can do it. I have been bf-ing for a year and sometimes supply fluctuates but i will just pump more often to get it back. The more u latch n pump, the more milk u have. Hugs
Read moreActually the pump is not as strong as baby's suckle. Even if you can only pump 100ml, doesn't mean your breast is fully emptied. So your baby may be able to get more than 100ml when they latch on. Just perserve on and latch on at night. If they are not full, they will probably need to latch on several times then. But it's all worth it! Hang in there mummy!
Read morestress inhibits letdown so you may think you have insufficient milk during a pumping sessions. an average mother can pump between 100-120ml every 3-4h. if you are pumping only 60-70ml from both sides in a single session, you are likely stressing yourself or feeing anxious.
it's really mind over body. I started pumping two weeks back because of my 7MO's nursing strike. Initially I got really little amount, not more than 100ml from both sides even after 4h intervals. Over time, supply increased. Drink more water, don't think about how much you can pump, relax and watch a show whilst pumping. Best time to pump is in the morning as the milk amount is the highest. If it is possible, do a morning pump.
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U wan to try those lactation cookies to boost milk supply since he only drinks breast milk? Or u can try some other types of formula like soy or goat instead of cow... that’s what happened to my kid
Hi! I'd like to share with you my blog on increasing milk supply. Hope it helps. http://pedramusings.blogspot.sg/2015/06/increasing-your-milk-supply.html?m=1
Read moreWhy do you want to change to formula?
Is it because of medical conditions etc?
it not medical problem.i feel that i did not have milk already. i scare he not enough drink.
Mama of 3 rugrats