Hi mummies .. i am an exclusive pumping mum and i observed that one of my nipples had a white little bump which looks like either a blocked milk duct or a pimple with pus. I tried to burst it but couldnt. It has been aching on and off. My question is if its a pimple and assuming the white substance is pus, is it still safe to feed my LO the milk excracted from this nipple? Every drop counts so i really hope it's fine. Really needs help now! Tks!

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It's a milk blister. usually i will use a sterile needle and poke the blister. yes it's safe for baby

how did you try to burst it? use a sterlie needle like how jorelle said. it helps to burst it

I tried to use my fingernails 😅. I will try to use a sterile needle. Thanks both!

Dontuseyour fingernail. Use a sterile needle.fingernail has germs!

Sterile needle let it burst and it will dry out.