Should i get a breast pump before or after baby is born?

Hi mummies, FTM here seeking for your advice. I am still considering whether to get a breast pump now or should i wait until baby is out? Reason being, i’m not sure if i have/have enough supply for BM, will i end up giving FM to baby? If yes, that will be a waste of $ to get a pump if i don’t really get to use it. Do you mummies get a breast pump before or after baby is born? Also, any tips to look out for a suitable breast pump? Thank you!

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Based on what I went through and think likewise, I'd say it's better to get a not too expensive pump that you are comfortable with. It was insanely hectic when I had to ask my husband or my mother to get me breast pump after baby was born and I was about to go home. (was due to me seeing milk coming out and the lactation consultant told me that I am good to breastfeed) Manual if you like and had the time to squeeze with your hands, electric if you prefer to let the pump do the job while you can steal a nap or do other things. Another thing to consider is the number of parts that you need to wash, availability of the spare parts for replacement, and the sterilization method. Hope this helps somehow

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