Hi mummies and daddies i need help! I know of a child(9yo)who is abused by his father. Apart from the dad whack the child like punching bag. His father even use the child's head to knock against the wall. Previously, he hit the child so badly that the thumb couldnt move and was very swollen. Another incident the father pulled the child's ear until bled. How could the child seek help? Or hw could we help the child? Thanks!

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Is there somewhere mum and child can go to be away from the abuser? I think that is the most important thing that needs to be settled first. Then mum can take photos of the bruises and make a police report to get a restraining order (think that is what it's called?) If she needs further support or info, maybe can contact AWARE?

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7y trước

Errr, he doesnt have a mum. He has gt step mum. ☹️ so its kinda real like cinderella story