1st week at child care
Hi Moms, can please share how’s your kids 1st week at childcare?

My son just joined childcare this week on 1st Oct! The first day, I accompanied him to school and he was really clingy to me - unwilling to interact with his teachers or friends at all. We ended up going home at 12pm because he was crying so much from not wanting to nap in a new environment. The second and third day were much better - because I didn't accompany him in his class. On the second day, he surprised me by sleeping in class when I thought I'd have to pick him up to come home to nap - and on the third day, he was so eager to get to class that he made a fuss at the dining area! Both days we went home at 2.30-3pm once he woke up from his nap, was recommended that I was there when he wakes up to reassure him. On the fourth day, he started being a little bit upset with going to school because he kinda figured out that it's a place he goes to and wouldn't see me for several hours. However, there wasn't much issues - he did cry a little when other parents come to drop their kids off, but he still stayed till 3pm :)
Read moremy 1st son used to cry alot for the first 2 weeks. i stayed with him in the CC for couple of hours and play with him then slowly let him start to seat with his friends and teachers this happen for first 3 days and brought him back home after 12noon then slowly till 3plus after he wake up from his nap have his meal then i bring him back. Then i start to walk out of the CC when i see he gets busy with his friends and teachers. watch him from outside but never allow him to know im there then i start to let him stay for full day.
Read moreSent my boy to childcare when he turned 2. Boy oh boy, first week was terrible. Cried and cried, both in school and at home in the night. Saw his uniform and started crying in the morning. It's a full day CC, but for the first week teacher advised us to send him 9am to 12pm. 2nd still couldnt start full day CC, but at least the crying got lesser. By third week he walked him on his own and said bye bye to us at the door . Now it's been 10 months, sometimes he just walks in with no byebye 🤦🏻♀️
Read more2nd Child was abit clingy with me for 1st 3days after which he was ok. received call from teachers tat he cried for awhile but teacher ask his friends to cheer him up then he was ok.
My LO was fine and enjoyed her first week of childcare. She started to be clingy after a break from school because she was sick then.
it takes my son 1mth crying daily cos of seperation anxiety.
Thanks All for sharing, it really helps😄😄