moms.. I need a lil help. So my lil daughter is 8 months old now. and we are going through a new and exciting nursing hell. For about a week she's just not into nursing. First she was biting (but then he stopped that) but now she refuses the boob after 5 minutes or so. I'm covered in scratches. I know my supply has gone down, but she's still nursing ok about 3 times a day, it's just the mid morning and mid afternoon feedings that she's rowdy. any Ideas? I'm already nursing in a dark room, offering often, and wearing a nursing necklace. I should mention we've sleep trained so nursing is supposed to happen 5 or 6 times a day. I don't know if I just want to let it kinda dwindle down to no nursing or much less nursing, or what.

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Babies at her age are easily distracted because nursing now means sitting there for 10 minutes doing nothing. It can be boring as compared to crawling or trying to stand or even drinking from cups. It can be mistaken as a sign of weaning but is usually not as weaning occurs from 18-24 months. Try to increase your milk supply(with milk boosters or power pumping), offer breastmilk first then solids, and no sweet drinks. You can also engage your baby during nursing by singing or talking, playing finger games or giving her a toy to play with (she may not like the necklace). There's a lot of relevant information here:

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