Prefered vitamins for toddler!
Hi Mommy's! Can I ask what vitamins do you give to your toddler? Vitamin c and vitamin for the brain? Brands will do, thanks! 😃😄
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For brain you can try Bomvital Forte, that is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. This was also recommended by Mommy Diaries, I think ito yung vitamins ni Olivia (her daughter). If you don't know Mommy Diaries, try searching her in Facebook. Marami kang matutunan sa kanya.
Joan Tampan Cubero
2y trước
Super Mom
my daughter takes scotts vit c and dha ( its recommended for 5yo and up but i give her only 1 gummy/ day
1 nhận xét khác
2y trước
thank you
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