Normal atau czer?

Hi mommies.. sy skrg 32 weeks with mcda twins.. next week doc minta saya decide either delivery mode normal or czer.. spjg chk up specialist, sy jumpe 2 org doc pakar di hospital.. yg sorg kate boleh normal.. yg sorg lagi pula suruh czer.. previous pregnancy sy normal delivery.. just tht my 2nd baby yu late prematured.. ikutkan saya lebih berat kepada normal.. yela.. rmh skrg ting 3.. naik tangga x de lif.. pastu ank sulung baru darjah 1.. yg 2nd pula 2 years.. pantang kali ni x dpt blek kpg sbb ank sulung school.. tapi at the same time, risau pula if anythg happen if choose normal delivery.. doc kate risiko 2nd baby pusing or lemas.. tapi bile do some research.. ade je yg ok bersalin normal.. mcm mane yer.. still cannot decide lagi ni.. btw.. preggy kali ni kene gdm pula.. sebelum ni x pernah kene pun..

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sis tanya both doctors, boleh tak tolong list-kan clearly risks & benefits setiap options yg ada. kalau risiko tu, minta absolute risks percentage, bukan just mana lagi tinggi mana lagi rendah. kadang doktor kata risiko tinggi, tapi maksud dia kat situ just tinggi relatively dari option lagi satu. both options akan ada risks & benefits sendiri. sis & suami sendiri kena timbang tara risiko mana yg sis sanggup ambil untuk reap the benefits.

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my cousin normal. anak ke 2&3 (twin). yg 1st pun normal