Exclusive Pumping

Hi mommies. Is it normal to have one side breast able to express 80ml bm and the other side express 20ml or lesser bm? Is it also normal that the nipples is sensitive/tender all the time?

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Me too! & I understood from my friends this is really common. My right side is only about half of my left. No matter what I tried to do to bring up the right side's volume, it just didn't work! Latch more, extra pumping session, hand expressing.. I guess my right side is just the "lazy boob", haha.. I also started out with sore nipples, but read that maybe my breast shields wrong size? So after changing the nipples are okay now :)

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Super Mom

Normal to have a difference. Try to empty the breast completely when pumping, so that sends your body a signal to produce more:) sore nipples all the time might mean that you're rubbing against the nipple when you pump. Try to reposition the pump?

Super Mom

Yes for me, my right side tends to yield more than left side. Initially my nipples are tender after latching or pumping, but overtime, I guess my body tuned to it.. Now I find latching rather comforting haha.

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Yes not both equal. Even aft trying to latch on the lazy side, it still isn’t equal. I get sensitive slightly sore nips no matter how I try to latch Too :(

Influencer của TAP

Yes, for me i had 100ml on the left and about 60 on the right. After pumping will definitely feel soft and tender.

Influencer của TAP

Yes, same for me. I read it is normal some mum will have lady boob

Super Mom

I thought i was the only one. Hahaah. So its normal?

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Yes its normal. My right breast has more milk too.

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