Hi! I would like to seek some advice.

Hi mommies. I would like to seek some advice on whether should i go and check ultrasound early or should i wait. I am 8 weeks pregnant (according to my lmp) but im only scheduled to visit the doctor in polyclinic on 25th April which will probably be in my 10 weeks to ask for referral to hospital. I had 2 miscarriages last year. Both times i was scheduled early for my ultrasound only to found out they couldnt detect any heartbeat yet And at week 6 i started bleeding and eventually miscarried (for both) Because they couldnt scan through my tummy, they have to go through scanning from below. My husband said that it could trigger the bleeding thats why we thought of waiting for abit to get scan. #adviceplease #firsttimemom

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Hi, 8 -10 weeks is a good time for first scan since baby is visible with heartbeat. And usually is done abdominally instead of vaginally. However if u r only going to see poly at 10 weeks u might only get an appt at the gynae much later (maybe end of your first tri alrdy). If u would like to go through subsidised route and have CHAS card. You may go ahead to a CHAS GP clinic and get a referral from there to be subsidised when u visit gynae at the hospital (same as poly). So u skip the wait for poly appt. And hopefully your gynae appt is not so late at the hospital. Poly/ GP will not have specialist like gynae to scan for you. They are just routes to get subsidised gynae in public hospital. And while waiting, the only way for a scan if you would like is to go private gynae clinic for one or two time visits first if that gives you assurance that baby and u r doing ok before the first scan appt at public hospital.

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I feel you... I scheduled to visit gynae from week 7. But as my GP not confidence to change my medication (existing condition) to pregnancy safe, I had gone to gynae on week 5. In that week, did 2 times vaginal scan and 3 times HCG blood test n last diagnosed by private gynae is either ectopic or a miscarriage in progress, rare chance of normal pregnancy. In the end I went kk, did another 2 times vignal scan n finally found a gestational sac in uterus. I am going for my week 8 review next week. I should hv follow my instinct n not to let the gynae scan, my 3rd pregnancy and I don't have any unwell except the normal pregnancy signs. Follow ur instinct but if unwell better get to a&e. Normally suggest week 7 or 8 in case of any abnormalities.

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11mo trước

Week 8 should be more visible thru ultrasound but am not sure cos my 1st 2 technology not so advance yet. Will see next week.

two of my friends and I have all gotten vaginal scans, and all good so far. miscarriages rarely happen as a result of such physical activities, and are more related to genetic issues. stay strong mama, say your affirmations, you'll be okay 💪 scans are your choice, if you choose to delay also not a big deal as long as ur not uncomfortable or in pain. I'm not a doc but please check and see what feels right. all over the world people dont even get scans till much later so go with your gut too.

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If it's 8 weeks, it's safe to see gyne first just to ensure everything is in place and baby is not growing outside the womb. At this time, should be able to see baby through your belly ultrasound. I don't think vaginal scan would cause miscarriage... have faith 🙏🏼 praying for you!!