
mga mommy pwede po bang mkaask ng recipe for my 6month old. thank you mga mommy

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Rice po na niluto very low heat. Na parang arroscaldo. Hi mommy! Sign up and get a chance to win 50,000 to make your mama wish come true!

Boiled carrots then durugin mo po like mashed potato. No need to add seasonings or something.

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mashed fruits! try mo kamote, saging, or kalabasa

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Any veggies or fruit will do.. Haluan mo ng milk


Introduce 1 food at a time. For 3 days 1 food lang. Carrots, kalabasa, sayote. No sugar no salt. Pwede lagyan ng breastmilk, or formula milk

5y trước

Sa una po 1teaspoon ok na. Once a day po muna. Then weekly po pwede mo dagdagan