My lo hving fever. She refused to drink milk. How?? See PD, gave meds. Water, juices abit here n there she drink. Milk she dont want. I m so stressed up

Mine too during her last fever episode. On food and milk strike. Prolly only had max 100ml a day and a little bit bread. They r feelin Lethargic. I juz gave her milk as usual and accept any amount she is willing to take. And give her lotsa water If she is willing. Sneek in a little of cold water,juices as well. Other times, she juz wana lie down n zzz.. So i juz let her be. Keep offering comfort food. If they wan, they will take.
Read moreIt’s very normal ... children refuse to drink milk when sick... how old is your little one? She ll go back to drinking milk as normal as soon as she’s well. Meanwhile do make sure she’s well hydrated... porridge water, barley water etc really help...
it's very common for kids to refuse to drink or eat when they are not feeling well. Perhaps you can try to add some ice into the drink, or give some Ribena. if your child doesn't drink a lot of milk it's fine. just keep her hydrated.
You can give her a bit of fresh coconut water, coconut water is a natural fever reducer and help to keep the body hydrated.
How old is your LO?