My LO been latching for 6hrs on and off. And my husband say maybe he is not even drinking or u have no milk? So he try giving him formula and he drink it up all and have a nice and good sleep. I feel so sad about not providing him breastmilk. Anyone have the same experience? He is only 2 weeks and 1 day old. Whenever he latch on, he will give a weird sound and push away my breast. But sometimes he seem to drink.

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Hi there. I can understand how u are feeling as I struggled w breastfeeding too. First of all, depends on what u believe. Breast is better than formula no doubt but I feel that fed is best. Some pple takes abt 2 weeks for hr milk to come in. Ur milk supply may not be to par yet but if u say he is on n off - there could be a few reasons. He could likely be comfort latching too - which he won't do to the bottle or pacifier sometimes. He is a newborn, they also need to learn and practice how to drink from the breast which is totally different from the bottle - bottle is easier n faster for them no matter what. U may want to get a lactation consultant to help u see ur latching (I did and it made a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE) to teach u how to latch baby properly and see if he is drinking (the swallow sound - I never really knew what it was till I heard it during the session) etc. don't feel bad. Give breast and fm at he same time also ok while u work on ur supply w boosters and pumping sessions - u can always comeback to full bf

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