My LO is 3 months old and has been drinking ebm from the bottle and I try to latch her on occasional as she couldn't latch on well initially. Recently, she refused to drink from the bottle. She cries and screams very loudly whenever we try to feed her from the bottle and only wants to latch on. Anyone knows why is this so? I thought when we give baby the bottle they wouldn't want to latch on anymore. Now I need to go back to work soon. How do I get her to accept the bottle again?

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Actually if u used to give her the bottle, I think it's not baby associating mummy and breast only issue. I suggest to check the teat of the bottle - is this a new tear that u are using ( baby doesn't like the flow rate) or a seasoned teat - it could be leaking milk on its own (wear and tear too) and baby won't like it too. Is baby sick or in discomfort or sleepy/cranky or just recovered from an illness bout? I discovered my boy only wanted to boobs after his hfmd episode (they had to tube feed him as too many ulcers in his mouth/throat) and not the bottle - so it could be for comfort too. Experiment a little. I understand the stress, my boy (4m) also like that for a short period of time. Jia you mummy. At most wait till really v v hungry they will no choice but take bottle

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