Teeth brushing chore
Would like to ask how often do you brush your LO's teeth? Does your LO need someone to hold him/her and another person brush the teeth? Do you use toothpaste? If yes what brand?

How old is your LO? We use a thin wash cloth to clean the gums before bath once a day since newborn to get bb used to it. Then we used the Pigeon toothbrush set progressively according to the months. No need to have another person hold. Just sit baby on lap as we sit on a stool beside bath tub. When LO shows interest to brush by themselves, and can stand, we just let them have their way to stand while we brush or they brush themselves. No toothpaste till about 2yo when LO can spit water first, so they know how to spit the toothpaste. We use a variety of brands like Elgydium, Darlie Kids, Kodomo, etc.
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