Hello Dylanne Janae!

It's labor time! Exactly 37 weeks. August 17 2020 1am water bag ruptured. No labor pains. 2am er hospital still no labor pains. We did the routine covid check. Doctor in charge check my cervix its already 2cm. 3am chest xray was taken. Blood extracted for covid test and put me in dextrose. Mild labor pains. Tolerable pa nakakangiti pa ako. LOL. 4am to 5am extreme contractions. Midwife in charge did IE fully dilated almost crowning. 6am to 6:40am push, scream, push, another big push, baby out! Me knocked out. LOL. Thank you Lord for my safe delivery and giving us a very special gift. We are truly blessed by You. Thank you! Hello world meet our baby, my love, Dylanne Janae. 👧🏻 Papa & Mama love you so much. 💕🥰 EDD: Sept 7 2020 DOB: Aug 17 2020 Time: 6:40am Via NSD 2.7kg#firstbaby #momlife #theasianparentph

Hello Dylanne Janae!
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wow congrats

congrats po

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congrats po!


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