Is it true that parents favour one child over another? Does this mean that their parents love them less?

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One would never say "I have a favorite kid" — even if he/she secretly have one. Liking one more than another seems so unfair — so un-motherly/fatherly. I think, It has nothing to do who's the nicest or the most successful. Parents pay more attention to a child who mirrors their own interests – for example, a sporty father may dote on a child who loves hockey. To prevent children from feeling left out, it’s important to encourage their own interests – even if they’re different from the parents’ hobbies. Parents should also be careful not to favor the prettier sibling. Although it seems cruel, the more attractive child can become a favourite. “Some children are naturally very appealing and other people may find the other child more attractive. Longer-term favouritism can be extremely damaging, and it’s a parent’s responsibility to regulate themselves and their partner to make sure that one child isn’t given more attention.

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