Is it true that parents favour one child over another? Does this mean that their parents love them less?

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I think this article summed it up nicely: And I agree with the article, I feel that most, if not all, parents are wary of playing favourites and strive to be equal to all. During which, one would discover that they really do love every child differently (as they are all very different individuals). To an outsider, it may appear that the parent seemed to favour one particule child over others (perhaps because the child received more attention to the observer) but the parent, as well as each child, would know better. In all, I feel that one shouldn’t be too caught up with having to be equal to all. To me, I don't think a parent would love a child "more" or "less" than another. As long as one recognizes that every child is different and love them for who they are, that will do. :)

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