Is it actually possible/ advisable to go on overseas holiday with 2 or more very young kids. I'm only worried we end up in the hotel room doing the daily routine feeding and tiring ourselves even more!

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It is possible if you choose the right holiday destination and do your research. My friend recently went to Bali for a week's vacation with her husband and 2 young kids (3 year old and 8 weeks old). Apparently she hired a local holiday nanny when she was there to assist her, thus giving her and her husband to have some fun and not worry too much about the kids. This is the service she used, which came highly recommended: You can choose to have your nanny on-demand, part-time or even live-in during your stay. My friends had lots of fun during their holiday because of this additional help. Perhaps you can consider?

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You can consider clubmed as well. They are very family friendly and have programmes specially drawn up for the children. Their baby clubmed can cater to babies and toddlers. Personally, I feel that a vacation should be relaxing and enjoyable. If you feel that you will end up being more stressed than relaxed, perhaps you can wait till they are older. For now, you can consider a staycation as an alternative?

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8y trước

I agree! Club Med is the best experience for my 1st kid when she was 2yo. She literally clubbed till the night :P When my twin babies grow a bit older, I'll also bring them. Thanks for the advice!

Yuna shared very good suggestions. How about holiday with relatives? What i usually do is plan a holiday with my parents and siblings. They are always ready to help and at the same time can have bonding moments with their grandchildren/nephews n nieces.

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