Can we drink cold drinks?

Hi. I’m still 11w pregnant but everyday my friends wi keep telling me to not drink cold drinks with ice. I don’t have it often. But just curious, are we not allowed to drink with ice at all? Like can we also drink bubble tea? #FTM

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Just drink as long as as you feel ok. I checked with my gynae he also say just drink.. i see my friend drink cold drink also gave birth to healthy baby recently. Just drink moderately for sweet drinks n caffaine. Infact i never limit myself just drink as per normal and my bb is on the smaller side for now at 26week, didnt gain much weight also. (Infact gynae ask me to eat more) So friends who nagged say bb will get big i think not true at all. Just do it moderately. For ur info i drink cold water, bbt maybe about 3 times a week. Everyday i got drink 1-2 packet sweet drink

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5mo trước

Yes i did the diabetes test already. Pass