New Mum! Trying to get into SGH subsidised route.

I’m a new & very excited first time mum who has been TTC for 2 years-ish. I am now 6 weeks pregnant, have already been to the polyclinic to get a referral to SGH for SGH subsidised route. (Initially doct wanted to refer me to KKH, but I requested for SGH.) The poly doctor mentioned it’d take 2 days for SGH to schedule my first SGH appointment date with me via SMS/call but it has been more than a week. 1) Does it take a while for SGH to get back to us? Should I just call SGH? 2) Do we usually get to choose the dates? (Ie. Just wondering cause my husband works shifts.) 3) What should I expect of the first SGH appointment? (Ie. procedures, price.) #advice #firsttimemom

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hey! i’m at 6 weeks too but going through KKH subsidised route instead. i went to the polyclinic on 2nd july and got the message on 3rd july morning for 4th july appt. unfortunately i couldn’t make it and next earliest is 18th july. so am waiting now. i think just give it awhile more for the message to come through? else just call SGH hotline?

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4mo trước

great to know! hope all is well!

Hey! I took referral for SGH too! I received an appointment date within 2-3 days after visiting poly. But the 1st appt was too long some time in Sep, so i called in to request to change to earlier date which will be around my 9 weeks. So yes, you can call in to reschedule yr preferred date / time. Usually they can accommodate.

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Honestly just go for private, less headache & hassle. Private and you wouldn't need to be asking or worrying about all these. Why would you scrimp and save especially on your long awaited (2 yrs ) baby???

4mo trước

Will most likely convert over to private. But we’ll see. 😊