hi all.. im currently tandem feeding a 33 months and a 3 months old.. boy and girl.. i dont know why recently i dont like my boy sucking on my boob.. when my girl crying, i have to attend to the girl and i told my boy but he dont let me go to attend the girl, holding on my boob.. and when the boy is sucking, i do feel slight tinging feeling and making me quite uncomfortable.. and my boy bites the sister occasionally and i dont know what triggers him, he just do it without reason which makes me pissed.. is there something wrong with me now? i feel bad after i scolded him, also trying hard not to lay my hand on him.. and also, he normally latch to sleep.. but recently, he will still make sound and play around instead of trying to sleep.. latch and suck and unlatch and move around then come back latch.. makes me pissed too as i feel like he is wasting my freaking time.. and when he suck, he must touch the other nipple.. i dont really like it but enduring.. also recently he will wake up middle of night just to latch on my boob 2 to 3 times and i find it annoying too.. im still hoping he will wean himself but i dont see him a bit feel like weaning.. i said stuff like nehneh pain pain but it doesnt work.. he will throw his tantrum and keep saying i wan nehneh.. can pls advise? thks..

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Your boy needs your assurance and comfort. He is attention seeking. Most likely feeling left out. Try to engage him in activities you do or even chores. Make it into a fun thing. Learn through play. When its time for him to latch give him your 100%. Hqve you anyone to help you?

8y trước

i latch my boy to sleep.. no body help to let me make the boy sleep first.. either girl will cry then my mom or hubby will frustrated cause only i can make the girl stop crying.. so i football hold to latch both kids.. but i think my boy wants to lie down to latch.. ytd after i make the girl sleep.. i let boy latch sideway, then he sleep without making voice..