Can’t swallow Obimin and fish oil

I’m at 12 weeks + and really unable to swallow obimin and fish oil. I tried to dissolve obimin but it’s doesn’t dissolve at all. And when I crush or cut it tastes like rusty metal and makes me puke. I skipped my obimin for 2 days already because I can’t swallow even the crushed pill and end up vomiting. Anyone has any alternative to obimin and fish oil? Can I just take blackmores 1 pill instead of taking fish oil separately and obimin separately? Or is there any gummy recommendation for obimin? #advicepls #firsttimemom

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I couldn't take both of it as it caused me diarrhoea 😅 ended up blessing it away and told doc during my next checkup. basically, as long we take care our food intake , we don't need any extra supplements 😅 I'm in my last lap now waiting for baby to pop & all has been well. otherwise, it's up to you to switch supplements. ☺️ take care & have a safe pregnancy journey

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