I am unable to spend enough time with my expecting wife and I feel guilty. Will that affect our relationship?

yes definitely it will somehow affect your relationship . When wife is expecting they need more attention and also more concern and time spend if not they might overthink. I m same as you , i m a first time daddy and i work day and night and time spend together are really limited and our relationship affected . When my wife told me i was guilty and i try spending more time with her to make her feel that she is not alone . Because pregnancy hormones also make them feel stress. Despite i m the only finance provider at home , i will still try my best to spend both time and work with my wife !
Read moreThe fact that you feel guilty shows how sincerely concerned you are about your pregnant wife. Have you shared with her how you feel? and if you're not spending enough time with her because you're working hard for your family, I'm sure she will understand. Be open, share how you feel, share the burdens equally and I'm sure that you're relationship will not be affected, but rather, strengthened :)
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