Toddler sleep

Hey I tried sleep train my child since the day she was born, but, it never really worked putting her in the crib or just me patting her, the cry would get louder. The only I put her to sleep is my titties not pacifier nor feeding nor any routine. Now, my child is one year 9 months, she still suck my titties until she fall asleep then she would let go and slept through night. I tried the cry out technique, it worked but during the cries, she will start hurting herself and screaming out which I had to put stop to it. Any mum out there who has the same experience as I do? Please i m having a mental breakdown

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Any tips please?

5y trước

I dont know if it suits for your kid, but for me after she can crawl, if she show her tantrum i just let her cry, i just watch her from far and do my work. Its like ' you want to cry? Okay just cry'.. until now if she got tantrum i just let her cry then after she tired she will come to me and say sorry.