I thought my son had a cold but the doctor just diagnosed it as RSV, which sounds pretty awful. Has anyone has a kid whos had RSV - what did you do to fight it?

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I am sorry to hear what your child has to go through now. I have never heard of this RSV and read up some information from webmd and extrated some information for your reference: http://www.webmd.com/lung/tc/respiratory-syncytial-virus-rsv-infection-topic-overview?page=2 Respiratory syncytial virus infection, usually called RSV, is a lot like a bad cold. It causes the same symptoms. And like a cold, it is very common and very contagious. Most children have had it at least once by age 2. RSV is usually not something to worry about. But it can lead to pneumonia or other problems in some people, especially babies. So it's important to watch the symptoms and call your doctor if they get worse. A virus causes RSV infection. Like a cold virus, RSV attacks your nose, eyes, throat, and lungs. It spreads like a cold too, when you cough, sneeze, or share food or drinks. If your child has RSV: -Prop up your child's head to make it easier to breathe and sleep. -Suction your baby's nose if he or she can't breathe well enough to eat or sleep. -Relieve fever with acetaminophen or ibuprofen, if needed. Never give aspirin to someone younger than 20 years, because it can cause Reye syndrome, a serious but rare problem.

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To add on to Diana’s points, here are some signs to watch out for. Do bring your son to the doctor if he is showing any of following symptoms: - Has a high fever and doesn’t look well (grey or blue skin) - Has thick nasal discharge - Cough that worsen or produces yellow, green, or grey mucus - Showing signs of dehydration - Has trouble breathing or excessive wheezing - Showing extreme tiredness As the virus is highly contagious, do keep your son at home to prevent spreading it to others. Teach your son good handwashing habits and educate him to stay away from children exhibiting cold symptoms to prevent contracting the virus again. Hope he gets well soon! And remember to take care of yourself too!

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