I recently found out that i am pregnant with my second child. Ever since then, my 2year old have been behaving very weirdly. He have been screaming and hitting me despite me trying to talk to him in a calm manner. What is happening?

Have you explained to your 2 year old that there will be a new baby on the way? One of friend's kids (2 year old as well) realised because his grandma kept talking about a new baby and he started acting up. My friend regretted not being the one to break the news to her son. She eventually made things right by explaining to her son that the new baby was going to be his best friend forever and that he will not be alone when his parents went to work. She was also honest and told him that the baby will get plenty of attention when it arrives but it doesn't mean that he will be loved any less. Eventually, when baby was born, the parents presented him with a present, saying that it's from his little sister. He has since taken to his new role as big brother well. In fact, I reckon he's relieved that people are fussing over the baby instead of him these days.
Read moreActually two year old still do not quite understand about a new baby will be his/her siblings. Two year old still needs lots of attention and love. I think the behavioural changes is not due to pregnancy .. more to starting of "terrible two" or "horrible three". Eventhough I am not pregnant, my three year old son will also do the same thing to me (screaming and hitting). When I talked calmly to him, he will not listen. This is the stage whereby we really need a lot of patience.
Read moreBe patient and pay extra attention to him. Somehow kids have the sixth sense, sort of they know something big is goin to happen and will change their life. You can try read to him books about being big brother, or watch videos about babies. Maybe visits some relatives who has babies and let him experience of holding the baby. Hope this will make him excited and lead him towards behaviour that suits his role as the 'new' big brother.
Read moremy baby is also sticking to my wife alot even before we know the 2nd one is on the way. They seem to know way in advance. just have to acknowledge him/her that he/she is going to be a big brother/sister. and ask him/her to take care of the baby with love. your spouse can help. by teach him/her how to kiss your tummy and teach them say nice things. it worked for my baby. so you can try :)
Read moreYou should be the one breaking the news to your child so that he knows that he have a sibling coming. Buy him a gift and tell him that it is from baby. Let him knows that baby loves him and he should too. Take it slowly and pay more attention to him so that he will still feel the love and concern from you.
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