Express BM

I read somewhere saying that BM that was pumped in the day can only be given to LO in the day while those pumped in the night to be fed in the night. Is it true?

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Read online that it is true. There could be some truth in this. Check it out...

There are differences in the milk content apparently. But I don't follow that. I just give whatever is available cos my supply not much.

Thành viên VIP

Not true, but to some extend, during night time, your EBM contained some sleepy dust! So it helps with your lo to sleep a little more

Errr got milk very good alrdy, just feed whatever you have la hahha

Influencer của TAP

I did separate them as day and night and stored.

Milk is milk. I don't bother so much

Super Mom

Haha no that’s not true at all

Thành viên VIP

That's not true at all.

Super Mom

I didnt follow that

never heard of