Pregnancy test!

Can i do a pregnancy test a week before my next menses?

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Thành viên VIP

It will be too early to detect anything positive at this point. Best to take the test one to two weeks after mense is overdue.

Thành viên VIP

wait till your next cycle. if menses doesnt comes a week or 2, then u can do the test.

Thành viên VIP

Also can but too early it is better to test 1-2 wks later after menses is due.

Best to do the pregnancy test at least 10 days after your menses was due...

Yes, you can but would advice after mense for more accurate results.

Thành viên VIP

It's better to check after a missed period like 5 days delay.☺️

No you’ll need to wait till at least when you miss your period.

Kinda early. Wait till you miss your period, at least 3 days late

Thành viên VIP

Better to wait a past a week for ur periods for accurate results

It is best to check 1 to 2 weeks after the menses is overdue