Natural Birth

I am looking to try natural birth. I am a first time mom. Just want to ask mommies to share here: 1. How long did you take from water break to giving birth for your first child? 2. I heard 2nd onwards are easier and faster. Is that true? 3. Is it possible to do without epidural? Or it depends on individual pain tolerance level? Thanks 🙏😊 #firstbaby #pregnancy #advicepls

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1) I had to be induced at 41 weeks and doctor burst the waterbag for me. I was in labour for 17 hrs. 2) I'm currently on 2nd pregnancy 2nd trimester, hopefully will be easier 🤭 3) Depends on tolerance level, I was given jab and gas which doesnt work and ended with epidural. My cervix opening was only 3cm for hours hence opted for epidural so I can get rest and speed up on the opening. I ended the birth with assisted delivery as baby heartbeat drop during birth process. But, it was all smooth. All the best mummy, dont pressure yourself or your body. Keep calm. Focus and dont lift your butt during process. Always learn proper technic to ensure you and baby safe. 🤗

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1. kid no.1 took me 17hrs 2. easier not really. faster maybe a bit, took me 13 to 14 hrs lol. my all 3 births are diff experience i wont say each birth gt easier...they are just different. 3. depends on yr tolerance level. u wont know until u personally go through it..

Hi! Im on the same page as you and I found about hypnobirthing. We’ve recently met with the therapist and am assured to give it a try. U can read more here:

3y trước

Thanks for sharing!🤩

My first took 4 hours. My second was 1 hour. I took epidural for both. But for my second, it didn’t really work cos I was dilating too fast.

3y trước

Yes.. it’s really quite fast. The nurse did tell me for my third.. it could be even faster so I am a little worried too. I am not too sure but my work does require me to walk quite a bit. 😬 My gynae gave me 2 weeks HL to rest when I was 35 weeks but my amniotic fluid was Low by 37weeks plus for my first pregnancy and my cervix dilated 2cm by 36weeks plus for my second pregnancy.