Marriage Woes

I am the husband. Just need to get feedbacks if what I did is too little for the family as my wife tend to scream and said nasty words at me . I feel so down ... Since my1year old son is born, I had been helping in the chores like sweeping , mopping , preparing milk in middle of night , playing with LO, washing the clothes ,bath LO, providing all the family expenses, sending and picking up LO in infant care and etc.. The only thing i cant do is cook for my LO and making my LO sleep. My wife feel that I doing too little and always show her unhappy face at me and during a quarrel said that she regret to marry me. I woke up at 7am daily and slept at 2am daily as I need to send my LO to infant care and head straight to work and because i can only reply email after LO slept around 10pm, thus only sleep at 2am after LO last feed. I am feeling very tired and disappointed in the marriage. Wife is current pregnant with our 2nd child and I cannot see where I am heading .... Really do not know where had gone wrong and feeling very very tired....

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Oh dear, I am sorry you are going through this. Perhaps you may want to have a little chat with her? Sit her down when the baby is asleep and lay it all out on the table. Be sure to listen and not interrupt. It could also be due to her raging hormones, rest assured I’m sure you have done your best and she needs to know that.

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I don't think it works and she too stubborn to listen and understamd. She think other husband does much more and etc. I really do not see what I would need to do more. Stress out to the max and still need to control my emotion.

Who does she listen to more? Her parents? Though not ideal, but maybe let her parents talk to her about it? (Make sure they're on your side first)

Influencer của TAP

You are doing a great job by doing and helping so much. Maybe u both can try sit down and have a heart to heart talk if can.

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I wish my husband can do this too. Opps but then again I'm behaving also like your wife. You're a good dad

you are a great husband and awesome dad. I am not sure I can be like you