I heard this saying,that if you don't breastfeed as much as you can...Baby won't grow up to be close to you. Is it true?

I don't agree with this. Babies who aren't breastfed will also be close to you. You being the mother has a great deal of bonding with the baby. You do not carry the baby in your tummy in vain. Whatever you say or do during pregnancy till the day they are born, they knows it. To me, it is the quality time you spent with the baby. They learn and pick up fast.
Read moreThis is certainly not true. If this is true, then how would one expect the father to bond closely with his child? While breastfeeding offers an opportunity for mother to bond with the baby given the intimate contact (literally), it is not the only way for bonding. What would truly help foster a strong bond is the love, care and concern expressed to the child.
Read moreIt is not true. Although breastfeeding is easier to have skin-to-skin bonding, there are many other ways to bond with baby. For example, singing songs, stories telling, spending quality special time with baby, and etc. I have a lot of friends are very close to their kids although they did not breastfeed their baby.
Read moreThis is definitely untrue. It is of course good to breastfeed baby as long as you can. Not latching him doesn't make you less closer to the baby. Don't forget that the baby was in your womb for almost 10 months. The bonding is already there and is so strong.
Read moreI say that's rubbish. Most of us were not breastfed by our mothers and we are still close to them. Pls don't let the breastfeeding crusaders convince you otherwise
seriously i think this is nonsense. i dont bf nor let latch my lo. she is nw 3mths n she knws who is the mother. she was in my stomach dun tell me she dont knw.
I breastfed my child till 2.5 years old. She is now 3 years old, fed formula for months and counting. We are still as close as ever!
No not true. As long as you still interact with your child they somehow will connect with you
I believe BF is not the only thing for making bonding between baby and mother.