I have stopped pumping at 15 mths. It wasn't planned, LO got too active, i end up having no time to pump (EP mum). I can't help but to feel guilty..... should i start trying to pump every 2hrs again? Though it feels almost impossible as im the main caretaker and i dont have help

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You can try pumping while LO is asleep. Or use freemies &a a portable breast pump. You can still walk around to pump while looking after your toddler

8y trước

My toddler is so active, climbing up and down, he can climb playground ladders, etc. So i cant be static. Was using cimilre. My wires get pulled all the time haha.

do you direct latch?

8y trước

Baby is born w a facial deformity which prevented dl. Cleft lip and palate.